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RMI Internships

In the RMI program we value experiential learning, and our majors are able to earn up to 6 hours of credit by completing an RMI-related internship. The internship course is FIN 445 – which counts as a finance elective. The course is graded and most of the grade is earned by writing a detailed internship report that includes a SWOT analysis of your employer. You will also be graded on your personal development plan that requires you to ask for mid-internship feedback from your supervisors and co-workers and then formulate a plan for incorporating their feedback.

For more information on FIN 445 see the course syllabus and internship report instructions.

Once you have secured an internship, complete the Internship Confirmation Form. Dr. Liebenberg will review your form and once your internship has been approved he will request that you be enrolled in the requested number of hours.